Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning
H Height
H Hydrogen
h Planck's constant
H Henry
h hour
h impulse response
H magnetic field strength
H Hospital
H Hit
h hecto
H Heaviside step function
H upper half-plane
H Heliport
h-index Hirsch index
H&M Hennes & Mauritz
H&M Hull & Machinery
H1N1 Hemagglutinin Type 1 and Neuraminidase Type 1
H2O Water
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Hadoop Doug Cutting, Hadoop’s co-creator, named the framework after his child’s stuffed toy elephant.
HADP Hill Area Development Programme
HAFED Haryana State Co-operative Supply and Marketing Federation Limited
HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HAL Hybrid Assistive Limb
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer

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