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Definition : Virtual Reality
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What does VR mean?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a fully immersive technology which tricks the user’s senses and simulate a physical presence in a specific environment that is designed to feel real. VR uses computer technology to create a simulated environment that simulates the user a physical presence in the simulated or virtual environment, allowing the user to interact in that environment using devices such as Head-Mounted Display (HMD) and haptic controllers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of VR?

The full form of VR is Virtual Reality

What are the full forms of VR in Technology?

Virtual Reality | Vibration Reduction

What are the full forms of VR in Worldwide?

Virtual Reality | Vibration Reduction | Vocational Rehabilitation | Voltage Regulator | Rotation Speed | Variable Resistor | Virtua Racing | Venous Return | Voluntary Redundancy


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