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Definition : Unique Patient Identifier
Category : Medical » Hospitals
: United States
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What does UPI mean?

Unique Patient Identifier (UPI) is a system used to uniquely identify a patient instead of patient’s name. The numbers come from their date of birth, social security number and patient’s last name. This would eliminate any patient record duplication from being produced. UPI enables physicians, hospitals, and other authorized users to share clinical and administrative records more efficiently.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of UPI in Patient Identifiers (USA)?

The full form of UPI is Unique Patient Identifier

What are the full forms of UPI in Medical?

Uteroplacental Insufficiency | Unique Patient Identifier

What are the full forms of UPI in the United States?

University Physicians, Inc. | Unique Patient Identifier | United Promotions Inc.


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