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Definition : from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn)
Category : Technology » Medical
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What does Sonogram mean?

Sonogram is a diagnostic medical image created using ultrasound echo (sonographic) equipment. The term Sonogram is from Latin sonus (“sound”) + gram ( “written character, that which is drawn”).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Sonogram?

The full form of Sonogram is from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn)

What is the full form of Sonogram in Technology?

from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn)

What are the full forms of Sonogram in Worldwide?

from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn) | Sounds Of Nahshid Originate Good Rhymes And Music


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