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Definition : Mikoyan-Gurevich
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What does MiG mean?

Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) or Mikoyan, is a military aircraft design bureau, primarily designing fighter aircraft. It is head office is in Begovoy District, Northern Administrative Okrug, Moscow, Russia. Founded by the Soviet aircraft designers Artyom Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich, the abbreviation MiG came from their names, ‘Mikoyan and Gurevich’ (‘and’ in Russian is pronounced like ‘i’ as in the word ‘middle’, and so we get ‘MiG’).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of MiG?

The full form of MiG is Mikoyan-Gurevich

What are the full forms of MiG in Business?

Mikoyan-Gurevich | Marfin Investment Group | Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee

What are the full forms of MiG in Worldwide?

Mikoyan-Gurevich | Metal Inert Gas


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