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Definition : Massively Multilingual Speech
Category : Computing » Artificial Intelligence
: Worldwide
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What does MMS mean?

Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) is a research project from Meta AI that aims to develop a single, multilingual speech recognition model that can be used to recognize speech in over 1,000 languages.
MMS technology aims to overcome the limitations of traditional speech recognition systems that typically specialize in one or a few languages.

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Multimedia Messaging Service
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Massachusetts Medical Society
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of MMS in Speech Recognition?

The full form of MMS is Massively Multilingual Speech

What are the full forms of MMS in Computing?

Microsoft Media Server | Massively Multilingual Speech

What are the full forms of MMS in Worldwide?

Multimedia Messaging Service | Microsoft Media Server | Massively Multilingual Speech


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