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Definition : Light-Weight Deflectometer
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What does LWD mean?

Light-Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is a lightweight portable tool used for measuring the bearing capacity (deflection) of unbound materials such as subgrade/subsoils, base layers, granular layers, and backfilling materials. It is used to measure in-place soil parameters such as stiffness and strength.

LWD is a hand-operated tool and takes measurements of the deflection of the compacted soil that is impacted by a falling weight. The device consists of a circular plate that is placed on the foundation layer, and a weight that is dropped onto this plate via a damping mechanism. Measurements of the load applied and the resulting deflection can be used to calculate the layer stiffness.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LWD in Soil Testing Equipment?

The full form of LWD is Light-Weight Deflectometer

What are the full forms of LWD in Technology?

Logging While Drilling | Light-Weight Deflectometer

What are the full forms of LWD in Worldwide?

Logging While Drilling | Large Woody Debris | Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis | Life with Derek | Light-Weight Deflectometer | Last Working Day | Late Withdrawal


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