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Definition : Lumbar Canal Stenosis
Category : Medical » Diseases & Conditions
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What does LCS mean?

Lumbar Canal Stenosis (LCS) is a medical condition associated with degeneration of the spine with aging.
LCS is characterized by the narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal and reduced space available for the neural and vascular elements of the lumbar spine. Patients can develop back pain as well as pain, weakness, and numbness, or decreased sensation in the legs.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LCS in Diseases?

The full form of LCS is Lumbar Canal Stenosis

What is the full form of LCS in Medical?

Lumbar Canal Stenosis

What are the full forms of LCS in Worldwide?

Longest Common Subsequence | League Championship Series | Laser Camera System | Lagrangian Coherent Structures | Learning Classifier System | Liquid Cooling System | Live Communications Server | Longest Common Substring | Lumbar Canal Stenosis | Local Coordinate System | Low Carbon Steel | Locally Convex Space | Liberty City Stories | League Championship Series


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