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Definition : Launch Control Officer
Category : Academic & Science » Astronomy & Space Science
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What does LCO mean?

Launch Control Officer (LCO) is one who operates the launch control system.
LCO is in charge of operating the launch control panels, launching rockets, communicating launch activities to flyers and participants, and has immediate responsibility for launch safety.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LCO in Rocketry?

The full form of LCO is Launch Control Officer

What are the full forms of LCO in Academic & Science?

Lithium Cobalt Oxide | Las Campanas Observatory | Launch Control Officer | LipoChitin Oligosaccharide

What are the full forms of LCO in Worldwide?

Lithium Cobalt Oxide | Launch Control Officer | Local Cable Operator | League of Legends Circuit Oceania | LipoChitin Oligosaccharide


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