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Definition : Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography
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What does CECT mean?

Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT), also known as Contrast-Enhanced CT (CECT), is a medical imaging technique that combines the use of a contrast agent with Computed Tomography (CT) scanning technology to produce detailed and enhanced images of the body's internal structures.
In CECT, a contrast agent is administered to the patient before or during the CT scan. This contrast agent is typically a substance that absorbs X-rays and appears bright on the CT images.

A contrast agent, also known as a contrast dye, is a substance used in medical imaging procedures to enhance the visibility of certain structures or areas within the body.

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What is the full form of CECT?

The full form of CECT is Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography

What is the full form of CECT in Medical?

Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography

What are the full forms of CECT in Worldwide?

Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography | Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology


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