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Definition : Binational Science Foundation
Category : Associations & Organizations » Scientific Organizations
: Worldwide
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What does BSF mean?

Binational Science Foundation (BSF) is a grant-making organization that promotes scientific collaboration between the United States and Israel.
BSF was established in 1972 as a partnership between the governments of the United States and Israel to support and fund cooperative research projects in various scientific disciplines.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of BSF in Scientific Research Foundations?

The full form of BSF is Binational Science Foundation

What are the full forms of BSF in Associations & Organizations?

Bible Study Fellowship | British Skin Foundation | Binational Science Foundation | British Softball Federation | Bund Schweizerischer Frauenvereine | BioSciences Federation | Brandy Station Foundation | Bibliothécaires Sans Frontières

What are the full forms of BSF in Worldwide?

Black Soldier Fly | Bible Study Fellowship | British Standard Fine | Binational Science Foundation | Bean Scripting Framework | BioSand Filter | Bit Scan Forward | Bootstrapping Server Function | Basilar Skull Fracture


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