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Definition : Alternate Line Service
Category : Technology » Communication
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What does ALS mean?

Alternate Line Service (ALS) is a GSM feature that allows a GSM SIM to have two phone numbers registered to it and for the phone to take calls from both lines and for the user to select which line to use for outgoing calls.

We have found 8 more results for ALS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Diseases & Conditions
Advanced Life Support
Treatments & Procedures
Advanced Light Source
Research & Development
Administrative License Suspension
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Airman Leadership School
Albany Law School
Universities & Institutions
Advanced Labelling Systems
Companies & Corporations
San Luis Valley Regional Airport
Airport Codes
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of ALS in Technology?

The full form of ALS is Alternate Line Service

What is the full form of ALS in Technology?

Alternate Line Service

What are the full forms of ALS in Worldwide?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Advanced Life Support | Alternate Line Service


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