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Definition : Atrial Ectopic Beats
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What does AEB mean?

Atrial Ectopic Beats (AEB), also known as atrial premature beat, is a disturbance in the normal rhythm of the heart. It is an extra heartbeat caused by electrical activation of the atria (upper chambers of the heart) from an abnormal site before a normal heartbeat would occur.
AEB can occur occasionally, in a regular pattern, or several may occur in sequence and then disappear.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of AEB in Heart?

The full form of AEB is Atrial Ectopic Beats

What are the full forms of AEB in Medical?

as evidenced by | Atrial Ectopic Beats

What are the full forms of AEB in Worldwide?

Automatic Emergency Braking | Auto Exposure Bracketing | as evidenced by | Annual Egyptological Bibliography | Atrial Ectopic Beats


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