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Definition : Automatic Emergency Braking
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What does AEB mean?

Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) or Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB), is a safety feature in some vehicles that automatically applies the brakes in emergencies.
AEB is a collision-avoidance system that identifies when a possible collision is about to occur and responds by autonomously activating the brakes, to slow a vehicle prior to impact, or bring it to a stop to avoid a collision.
AEB uses sensors to detect the presence of a potential hazard in front of the vehicle and slow the vehicle down, or brake to a complete stop, if the driver is not taking any action or is not fast enough to respond.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of AEB?

The full form of AEB is Automatic Emergency Braking

What are the full forms of AEB in Technology?

Automatic Emergency Braking | Auto Exposure Bracketing

What are the full forms of AEB in Worldwide?

Automatic Emergency Braking | Auto Exposure Bracketing | as evidenced by | Annual Egyptological Bibliography | Atrial Ectopic Beats


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